Does Dense3D come with my order?

Yes, our Dense3D Middleware is bundled with any M, MLX or DDK order. After purchasing you will be able to download the library and view your licenses on your Account Page. To get started using or learn more reference the Dense3D API Documentation.

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What languages do we support?

At the foundation of our development we use a pure C implementation for our Device API and related middleware (Dense3D). This allows for easy portability and compatibility when working with other languages or frameworks. Here is the list of supported languages/frameworks: Languages C/C++ (Official) C# (Official) Java via JNI (Community) Frameworks OpenCV (Official) ROS (Community) […]

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Where can I download the API/SDK?

All software downloads are available on your Account Page. To access, please login using the email address associated with your order number. If your order was purchased under a different email address please refer to the FAQ: How do I change email?

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How do I get started developing?

The best way to get started developing is by downloading the latest DUO SDK from your Account page. Once you have this downloaded review the documentation articles to gain insight on how to use our APIs in your own applications. Be sure that all requirements are met before trying to compile the sample code. It […]

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Does the SDK provide a depth map?

Yes, using the Dense3D API/SDK you can easily generate a depth map from the image data provided by any DUO device. This resulting data can be used in your own application or saved to disk as point cloud files. The Dense3D API provides: – Rectified stereo images – Dense disparity map (d) – Dense depth […]

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Can I preview the API/SDK?

Yes, we have a public github repository with our SDK samples and API headers. To get started, please review the file on the root of the repository.

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Will the DUO work with my code?

Yes. Since our API is exposed in from of C bindings, it is almost guaranteed to work in your workflow and development environment. Included with the SDK are simple examples that demonstrate DUO usage. On our API Docs page you can review the available methods and view code samples. If you are integrating the DUO […]

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