Yes, using the Dense3D API/SDK you can easily generate a depth map from the image data provided by any DUO device. This resulting data can be used in your own application or saved to disk as point cloud files.

The Dense3D API provides:

– Rectified stereo images
– Dense disparity map (d)
– Dense depth map (x,y,z)
– Descriptive error codes
– Export to point cloud file (*.ply) with textures and depth map.

With the following configurable parameters:

– NumDisparities
– SADWindowSize & UniquenessRatio post-filter
– UniquenessRatio Post-Filter

We provide a C API and usage example for getting started with the Dense3D and using it in your own applications. Simply pass it the frames from the DUO device and it will return back your depth map.

To learn more about using this API in your own applications review the Dense3D API Docs.